Past projects 1
Cutsforth Classroom Library!
Funded Jan 19, 2020WOW! What an amazing gift you have given to our classroom. My students have thoroughly enjoyed jumping into all the new titles! Many of them are reading them during student silent reading time. If they are finished with "must do" work, they get to curl up with one of the chapter books to enjoy on our window seat or special chair.
My favorite two books you purchased for our classroom are "What Would David Do?" and "What Would Darla Do?". These are choose-your-own-adventure picture books. We have read them both multiple times as a class, helping David and Darla make great social decisions and watched how it changed their day. We have also enjoyed reading them and watched how their poor decision making made their days turn negative. What a great learning and practicing book! We have also shared these books with other 3rd grade classrooms at our school.
One of my favorite times of day is looking up and seeing everyone's nose deep in a good book. Thanks to your gift, this is now a daily occurrence! THANK YOU!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cutsforth