Past projects 1
Metal Fab Problem-Solving Lab
Funded Apr 27, 2020
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Using metal fabrication tools, the direct outcome of these lessons will be that students learn to measure, shear, brake and fasten metal. This equipment will ultimately help these same students become better problem solvers, to learn about process, order of operations and gain an appreciation for the metal forming craft. Utilizing the metal brake, student’s paper drawings will be transferred to sheet metal, cut out, bent and realized in 3-dimensional objects. Students will begin fabricating metal by creating a small metal box suitable for holding supplies like rivets or nuts. As their skills develop, students will have the opportunity to fabricate heirloom quality dustpans. We intend to sell these dustpans in order to further finance the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies. The Problem-solving and Hand skills students acquire in the Fabrication Lab will be directly applicable to their lives, whether they pursue the trades or another vocation.