Past projects 1
Grab a Seat in the Math Cafe
Funded Dec 4, 2023This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston and one other donor.
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This fall, I transformed my classroom from the traditional style of tables and chairs to a fully flexible seating design. Student having the ability to choose the type of seating and grouping that works best for them has increased engagement and accountability in math class. Flexible seating, combined with the theme of "Math Survivor" keeps students excited to come to math class and helps them persevere through our rigorous curriculum- all with a smile on their faces! "Your classroom environment speaks to your students before you utter a single word". I aspire to make my math class a place where my students WANT to be! The addition of two jungle-themed rugs will create a more inviting space and give students the opportunity to utilize their favorite choice of seating, the floor chairs and bean bag chairs, more comfortably.