Past projects 1
National Board Certification
Funded Apr 12, 2021What a wonderful gift you have given my students and I! I used the donation you gave us to fund my national board certification as well as to buy a printer for my classroom and Lysol. The national board certification process has allowed me to work toward being a better teacher for my students. I have been more reflective, more intentional, and overall have just grown so much in this profession already due to your generosity. My current school only gives us 200 printer copies a semester and we have to purchase our own paper, so your gift allowed me to not only print, but be able to print in color! Most of the students in my class are English language learners, so to be able to see the pictures in colors is a big deal for them. They are really able to connect with the pictures, are more interested in them in color, and they are able to really remember them. The Lysol has also been such a wonderful item to have as well. We eat all of our meals in our classroom, so Lysol goes a long way for us as we clean regularly throughout the day.
I believe that my students have really benefitted from having an energetic teacher who is happy to be here everyday. I am so excited to come to work and learn more daily. I get to work toward my goals with my children without having the burden of trying to pay off my national board certification by myself. You have no idea how much that means to me! ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sanders
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great®.