Past projects 1
Water Bottle Filling Station
Funded Mar 27, 2020
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Our students need to take every opportunity to drink water through out the day. We currently have two drinking fountains in our hall, which are shared by four classes. While these drinking fountains are very helpful, they do not give students the opportunity to fill water bottles efficiently. The drinking fountains are too small to fit a standard size water bottle under. Students are unable to fill their water bottles, and are having to make more frequent trips to the drinking fountain to stay hydrated through out the day. Dehydration can cause fatigue and shortened attention spans, however when students constantly leave the classroom they are missing out on vital instruction time. We want to help our students stay healthy and be active learners. Having access to a water filling station will help our students tremendously. They will be able to keep their water bottles full, and drink as needed through out the day. Because of this there will be less time spent out of the classroom for my students, giving them more instructional time.