Our Fifth Grade Students Build Leaf Blower Hovercrafts!

Funded Nov 14, 2024

A million THANK YOUS truly is not going to be enough! Your generous sponsorship will enable our students to participate in exceptionally challenging and exciting hands-on learning projects that will initially benefit all current and future 5th-grade students districtwide! Beginning immediately students will be building leaf-blower hovercrafts in three different 5th-grade classrooms! The hovercraft project is one of the most exciting and engaging learning tools for teaching middle school students, however, that’s only the beginning! The leaf blowers will also be used in the 6th-grade alternative energy unit working with Wind Turbines! They will also be used in the construction of a wind tunnel to compare wind flow resistance in the annual district-wide STEAMWOOD (BSA Pinewood) Derby project that all 4th graders participate in! Please know that these projects will be in the hands and minds of our students over and over again and the benefits are TRULY BEYOND MEASURE! We only wish we could offer more than a very LOUD THANK YOU! We are so excited!”

With gratitude,

Mr. Baker