Past projects 1
Sensory Items for Emotional Behavior Classroom
Funded Mar 17, 2020
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Our Room of Wonders sensory room would be available for individual students under the supervision of an adult and would offer a nurturing, student-centered sensory supportive environment. It will be used to facilitate self-organization, self-regulation, relaxation, and sensory awareness, in order to integrate a student back into the classrooms or least restrictive environment. These materials will help provide much-needed movement breaks for our students who struggle with attention/focus, sensory needs (tactile, auditory, and visual). The vision of this Room is to have materials and equipment that provide a sensory stimulating space that is safe and appropriate for our students with sensory needs. I also would like to have a rug to give my students an alternate place to sit for reading or a place to use our new sensory materials.