Past projects 2
Smart TVs for Maximizing Space
Funded Jun 15, 2020On behalf of Jeff Salvati, Laurie Ross, myself, and all the students of Lost River, thank you so very much for your donation. Not only are we so excited to integrate these televisions into our classrooms in whatever way we “school” in the fall, but for years in the future as well.”
With gratitude,
Ms. O'Brien
They Called Us Enemy Graphic Novel
Funded Nov 19, 2019Thanks again for supporting our project earlier this year that bought a class set of "They Called Us Enemy."
This year we were unable to do our usual unit on Japanese Internment because of the Covid shutdown, but we will do our best next year to make sure the kids who missed out still get to access the wonderful graphic novel. And I know next year's 8th graders will love them!
The first picture attached shows Castle Rock, a landscape with which our students are very familiar. Connecting our lessons with something familiar breeds a deeper interest and enthusiasm in our kids. The other photos are simply our fantastic students doing fantastic things.”
With gratitude,
Ms. O'Brien