Past projects 2
Reading for Proficiency Part 2
Funded Dec 3, 2019Thank you so much for being an integral part of our Proficiency Through Reading Program here in the Oak Hill German Department. Benefits have shown for years that reading in any language can increase academic skills in that language! What's wonderful in the second language is the ability to increase not only vocabulary and grammatical knowledge without outright teaching, but also the ability to increase cultural knowledge through the texts being introduced!
In our classroom so far, I have introduced this reading program in my Level 2 classes as part of their curriculum and they've loved it! I will introduce this program second semester to my Level 1 students as well and am sure to get the same type of feedback :) I have allowed my level 3 and 4 students to check out some of the texts I have available and they've been reading German novels at home! It's amazing to see how much students truly love reading when given the opportunity to choose items that match their interests and aren't "required" for testing purposes.
We truly appreciate your help in this learning endeavor!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Windell
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous classroom supporter and 4 other donors.Reading for Proficiency
Funded Oct 31, 2019Thank you so much for being an integral part of our Proficiency Through Reading Program here in the Oak Hill German Department. Benefits have shown for years that reading in any language can increase academic skills in that language! What's wonderful in the second language is the ability to increase not only vocabulary and grammatical knowledge without outright teaching, but also the ability to increase cultural knowledge through the texts being introduced!
In our classroom so far, I have introduced this reading program in my Level 2 classes as part of their curriculum and they've loved it! I will introduce this program second semester to my Level 1 students as well and am sure to get the same type of feedback :) I have allowed my level 3 and 4 students to check out some of the texts I have available and they've been reading German novels at home! It's amazing to see how much students truly love reading when given the opportunity to choose items that match their interests and aren't "required" for testing purposes.
We truly appreciate your help in this learning endeavor!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Windell