Past projects 1
Create a Classroom Library with Level Appropriate Spanish Books
Funded Nov 5, 2019This classroom project was brought to life by San Ramon Valley Education Foundation and one other donor.
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I would like to incorporate "Free Voluntary Reading" into my classroom. Free Voluntary Reading (FVR) is a pleasurable activity that students can do on their own. Independent reading without structure facilitates acquisition of vocabulary and increases students' motivation to read because they are able to choose topics that are personally interesting. Having a Spanish language library large enough, with level-appropriate books that cover a variety of topics would allow us to have FVR at least once or twice a week. These books would serve as Comprehensible Input (CI). The goal is for them to be able to read these books without any struggle. If a book proves too difficult, the student should switch it out for an easier level reader. In order for FVR to be successful we need to have enough books for every student to find joy reading. The list of books I would like to purchase for my library are recommended by many novice-low to novice-high teachers as the most popular and most comprehensible books for the different levels.