Social Thinking is Successful Thinking!

Funded Oct 9, 2019

Thank you so much for all of the supplies! My students have really benefited from each item I was able to purchase.

The Starving the Anger Gremlin and Starving the Anxiety Gremlin books are perfect for teaching students about how to identify and diminish these negative emotions in their lives, without invalidating their feelings. They learn that everyone experiences anxiety and anger, but it is important to control those feelings. The students love working through the workbook. With each completed activity they earn stars which allow them to play some fun games! When they finish the entire book they will receive a certificate congratulating them on being an expert at starving their anger or anxiety gremlins. I have a few students who are getting close to the end! I can see through their behavior in the classroom that the books are really making a difference.

My older students have really enjoyed using the Sticker Strategies book to make their own strategies book to use in the classroom. They can print the strategies on the labels and stick them on the pages of their spiral of index cards. It is so meaningful because the student dictates which strategies work best for them. My fifth graders are working through the book to determine which strategies will be most useful in middle school, and they are taking it very seriously. I am so happy with what they have been able to accomplish!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Thapa