Past projects 8
Coding and Beyond
Funded May 3, 2022Thank you so much for funding this project. This project will help my student learn and experience coding hands on. We will be using these robots in our classroom in many different areas. With your support this is possible. You’re allowing my students to experience something they might have never been able to.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and one other donor.Refilling Our Classroom Supplies
Funded Apr 21, 2022Thank you very much for your generous donation. As we are headed towards the end of the year our students are working on final projects and these supplies will aid us in completing these. Our classroom thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my students faces than knowing there are special people out there that care for them and their education.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by MillerKnoll.A Library of Books They Can Actually Read
Funded Sep 23, 2021Thank you so much for donating to our classroom library. We use our library daily and explore the lives of the characters in each of the books that we read. We are learning responsibility in taking care of our classroom supplies and how to treat out books kindly. Your generous donation has made a lot of my students really happy because they are able to explore books that interest them. They are able to pick a book they would like to explore during our quiet reading time. Without your donation our classroom library would not be complete. We cannot thank you enough.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Distance Learning Continues...
Funded Mar 1, 2021Thank you for your generous donation. During distance learning the most difficult thing as a teacher was keeping the students engaged and interested. They were disconnected from the typical type of schooling they were used to and from what the normal used to be. I always enjoyed mailing them packages with school supplies and work because they would get so excited to get items in the mail addressed to them. We would unpack the supplies together on zoom and it was just the most amazing reactions we used to share. I don't I could have made this online learning as exciting without the generous supplies that were purchased with your amazing donations.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
Hybrid Come Back
Funded May 4, 2021Thank you so much for your generous donations. When we first went to distance learning we were all as educators a little baffled on how this was going to work. With a lot of work and hours put in we were able to successfully teach our students and try to keep some normalcy for them.
After what seemed to be the longest year of our teaching lives we were able to see some light and go back to in person learning for most of our students. This meant that we needed new supplies because everything we had in our classrooms was now not used for over a year. With the help of your donations my classroom and students were able to transition back to in classroom teaching smoothly. We cannot thank you enough for all of your donations.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 5 other donors.Distance Learning Essentials for DHH Students
Funded Jul 14, 2020Thank you so much for your generous donations. Distance learning has not been easy for any student or teacher. Your amazing donation has really helped during these times as most students are unable to get their own school supplies. Our classroom is beyond thankful for everything that you have contributed to our classroom as it has made these first few weeks little more prepared than we would have been. Your impact on our lives is beyond words. As a title one school it is very difficult to be able to supply all our students with the minimum let alone supplies to last a few months. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by and 4 other donors.Our Most Daily Used Items
Funded Oct 24, 2019I can't begin to thank you enough for funding our classroom project. Our everyday essentials are crucial to our classroom as they are items that we use on a daily basis. Without these resources we would not be able to accomplish the amount of work that we are able to. When the packages first arrived to our classroom I was very excited. I always allow my students to guess then open up any boxes that are shipped to our classroom. We first try to guess what is inside the box then open it up as a class.
It is the smallest things that matter the most. Although these items are daily essentials, my students were still very excited to receive them. They were very thankful and grateful when I told them these were all donated to us. Explaining to first and second graders what donations are, is a task all on its own and making sure they truly understand the meaning behind it all.
As a classroom we are currently learning about our environment and how to make it a better place. These donated items will be used in various ways from drawing illustrations of animals to using the dry erase markers for math lessons. These items are a true gift to our classroom and we couldn't more grateful for having our project funded. We truly thank all our donors from the bottom of our hearts.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous classroom supporter and 2 other donors.Creating Successful Learners
Funded Oct 14, 2019When our materials were delivered, I left everything in its packaging and waited until my students arrived the next morning to open up the boxes. When the students walked into the classroom and saw the boxes, it felt like Christmas morning. They were very excited to see what was inside the boxes. I knew this would be a great language development time, so we took turns going around the classroom trying to guess what was in the boxes. Since some boxes were larger than others, we had to also guess which one weighed the most. some students then came up and tried to lift the box and share with the class if the box was heavy or not. At this point there was a lot of giggling going on. I then opened one of the boxes and had some of the students come up to describe what they say inside the box. Once we got all the items unpacked my students were amazed and beyond excited to get to try out all of the items.
My students are able to use the new flexible seating items freely during reading centers and also in small groups. The white board is some of my students favorite, because we are able to freely move it around the classroom and work in various areas of the classroom. We are not restricted to using only the white board in the front of our classroom.
I plan to continue encouraging my students to use their flexible seating options that were donated to us, throughout the remainder of the year so they are able to read and work more comfortably inside our classroom. During center rotations my students will continue to use flexible seating to help them learn in a comfortable setting.
I can't thank our Donors enough. Your generosity makes a big impact in our classroom on a daily basis.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mora
This classroom project was brought to life by Volkswagen.