Windows and Mirrors: Novels that Reflect Diversity!

Funded Oct 5, 2019

This note is to thank you with all my heart for your donations that allowed me to supply my students with diverse literature. I wish each of you could have seen their reactions when the huge boxes of books arrived - they were squealing with delight, deeply inhaling the the brand new book smell, and gushing over the covers. It was adorable.

These books are so important to my all kids! They can see themselves in the characters, and relate to them in big and small ways.

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and sudden closure of school, we were unable to read Esperanza Rising. However, we did read Ghost, and the photos I shared show the kids standing proudly in front of their PowerPoint presentations about the book. I am sorry that you're unable to see the children's faces, but I had to conceal them because I was unable to get parental permission slips signed (again, due to the closure). Please know that there are enormously wide grins under the blobs of color!

Thank you all for your generosity. Your donation will continue to impact future students when we read these cherished stories together.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Perillo