Funded Mar 6, 2020When I first saw that people had given to my project, I was so excited to see how people's kindness and generosity can put an smile in our children's faces and give the most precious gifts to them: "knowledge". Thank you so much for making this project possible for my enthusiastic kindergarten students. We received part of our project materials towards the second week of March, just when all this issue about COVID 19 started. The plan was to include the reading aloud of the social emotional books after the Spring Break. Sadly, we left, and we never were able to return due to COVID-19. We only have the chance to work remotely with the book "Escuchando a mi Cuerpo" by Gabi García. Children had the opportunity to practice some of exercises to help them identify what happens when they experience some emotions and sensations. This was so pertinent for the moment.
Next school year, I am excited to see my students enjoying these precious books during read aloud and practicing some skills to take care of their social emotional health and others. After this unprecedented time, we are living right now, it even more important to support children's social emotional growth and give them some strategies to develop resilience.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jimenez