Past projects 1
Warm Our Ears and Enlighten Our Minds With Headphones
Funded Sep 17, 2019My students absolutely love using their headphones to access differentiated learning on their chromebooks. One program that we use almost daily is called iReady. Each student has an individual pathway so that they can work on the math skills they need the most at their own pace. Each lesson is an interactive tutorial that provides in-the-moment feedback to support student understanding. I can also assign additional practice or comprehension checks through the program.
My students have a weekly goal of passing two iReady math lessons a week, and then they can play the learning games. The learning games make number sense, place value, computation, and fractions fun and exciting. Sometimes students even want to stay in from recess to play the learning games! They also love to track their progress to see if they are on a streak (passing multiple lessons in a row).
Last week, we took a practice version of the state test they will have to take at the end of the year to measure their progress. All of my students chose to wear their headphones while taking their assessment on the computer, which helped them to drown out classroom sounds so that they could focus. Some of my students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) qualify for accommodations, like getting the test read out loud to them. Having access to headphones helped them be more successful on their assessment.
I can't imagine what our classroom routine would be like without the headphones that you so generously donated to our class. The headphones truly enhance my students' education.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Huebner
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and 6 other donors.