Our current weight-room set-up is not only limited in the form of resources, but the current equipment we have is in need of repair, low-functioning, and/or not engaging to our students. The physical room itself is unwelcoming with stained ceiling tiles, chipped paint, and mismatched equipment. I am hoping that rebuilding this weight room will allow for an environment more conducive toward physical health and well-being. It will allow me to incorporate rigorous, CrossFit-based, activities for students that will challenge them physically while also engaging them in diverse activities throughout the class period. In upgrading all material, it will send a strong message to our students about the importance our school is placing on their health and well-being as well as giving them access to new equipment that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to access.
The initial “ask” for rebuilding this weight-room would be for a new set of kettlebells including four kettlebells at the following weights: 10lb, 15b, and 20lb. This will supplement the six smaller-weight kettlebells we already have to offer more appropriately-sized kettlebells for our middle school students with our PE classes between 25-30 students in class; however, within our gym, especially during winter months, we can have upwards of 100 students within the gym at one time and redesigning this weight room will give us more flexibility to offer quality fitness training to all students regardless of class size. Ultimately, this would afford our students the opportunity to extend our weight-training dramatically for high-intensity, functional fitness. Our school is a CrossFit affiliate: CrossFit WMS. We currently do not have all of the materials needed to incorporate, to the true depth and breadth possible, the SHAPE America National Standards as well as the Massachusetts State Standards.
About my class
Our current weight-room set-up is not only limited in the form of resources, but the current equipment we have is in need of repair, low-functioning, and/or not engaging to our students. The physical room itself is unwelcoming with stained ceiling tiles, chipped paint, and mismatched equipment. I am hoping that rebuilding this weight room will allow for an environment more conducive toward physical health and well-being. It will allow me to incorporate rigorous, CrossFit-based, activities for students that will challenge them physically while also engaging them in diverse activities throughout the class period. In upgrading all material, it will send a strong message to our students about the importance our school is placing on their health and well-being as well as giving them access to new equipment that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to access.
The initial “ask” for rebuilding this weight-room would be for a new set of kettlebells including four kettlebells at the following weights: 10lb, 15b, and 20lb. This will supplement the six smaller-weight kettlebells we already have to offer more appropriately-sized kettlebells for our middle school students with our PE classes between 25-30 students in class; however, within our gym, especially during winter months, we can have upwards of 100 students within the gym at one time and redesigning this weight room will give us more flexibility to offer quality fitness training to all students regardless of class size. Ultimately, this would afford our students the opportunity to extend our weight-training dramatically for high-intensity, functional fitness. Our school is a CrossFit affiliate: CrossFit WMS. We currently do not have all of the materials needed to incorporate, to the true depth and breadth possible, the SHAPE America National Standards as well as the Massachusetts State Standards.
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