Past projects 1
Help Me Create a Flexible Classroom!
Funded Sep 28, 2019
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These materials will help make a huge difference in my students' learning by making it easier to focus, having the opportunity to take control of their environment and feel like the classroom is theirs and having the necessary tools to help them learn about social and emotional regulating. Different types of hands-on manipulatives allows students with multiple intelligence's to benefit from what is being taught in class. Creating an environment with a flexible seating plan with cushions and balance balls will engage more students who need room to wiggle or enjoy having the freedom to choose where they sit! Starting at a new school I also want to be able to build my classroom library so that it reaches every interest level and gets kids excited about reading, and instilling a value of being a life long lover of books! I had my kiddos compile a list of books and interests and I was amazed at what they came up with and how eager they are to enjoy reading!