Roll Out the Carpet

Funded Oct 2, 2019

Words cannot describe the amount of gratitude I have towards you for this project. When my class walked in and saw that we finally had a carpet for Morning Meeting they were so excited! The screams, smiles, and comments were of such positivity.

When we received our box for our carpet squares, my students were eager to open it up. I let them open it without me. Many of them had their jaws drop when they saw what was inside. They loved having the power to open the surprise on their own and the ability to put together a carpet of their very own with their classmates.

The fidget toys that came with this project were a great addition to our classroom. My students need a lot of options to maintain their energy while learning and these gadgets were a good option for many students.

Our rug is used every morning for our Morning Meeting, which has been nice because our Morning meeting is much more personal now. The students love sitting in a circle on the carpet, reading the many different sign language phrases shown on it and practicing sign in First Grade. My students also enjoy using the rug to work on their lessons when they don't want to sit at their table spots. It has truly been a much needed addition to our classroom.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. McDougall