Past projects 8
Per Our Last Email...
Funded Aug 19, 2024I am SO excited to get these new mailboxes into the classroom. It will be so helpful in organizing our materials.
I have an awesome group this year. We haven’t started yet but knowing them from Kinder, they are the goofiest, sweetest souls. Thank you again for providing this gift as it will make both their daily education and my job go more smoothly!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
Chapter Books for Eager Readers!
Funded Aug 31, 2023Thank you so much for your donation to my project. I knew that I had some students ready to read high level texts...little did I know they would inspire more than half the class to pick them up, eager to push themselves and get those chapter books into their book baggies. I gave three separate gift recommendations to parents who asked "What's that dragon series my child keeps talking about?"
We always have a ten minutes independent reading period in our room, but students are invited to read from their books bags any time that they finish an activity early. I have one high-level reader who hadn't yet developed a love of reading - getting him to pull out his texts during reading time was always a challenge. The Minecraft series changed that for him.
I just wanted to know that this donation really did make actual change in students' reading development!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
This classroom project was brought to life by The SONIC Foundation and 2 other donors.The Classroom Reset They Deserve!
Funded Aug 2, 2023Having these high quality headphones has been a game-changer for our Intervention Block. This is a 45 minute school-wide time where the students use rotating learning apps on iPads while interventionists, special education, and general education teachers like myself pull the children that need more close support. Last year, many classrooms had to do this block without headphones, leading to lots of distracting noise in the classroom. We are extremely lucky now that we have solid, colorful, dependable headphones during this time. Our kids have also become very good at wrapping up their headphones in order to keep them tangle-free and ensure their longevity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and one other donor.Starting the Year With Storage!
Funded Aug 10, 2022Thank you for your donation! It is so appreciated by both myself and my students.
We will be able to start the school year with brand new table caddies and folders. Not only is that awesome for the students, but having these great items supplied will support my practice and free up my time for other classroom duties!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and one other donor.Give us a little TIME please!
Funded Oct 21, 2021These magazines have brought so much joy to our students. The students were immediately intrigued when I pulled them out, since most of their exposure to reading has come from picture books and leveled readers. They asked about the texture and weight of the pages, as well as the various formats of pictures and text.
The colorful photographs and detailed infographics are especially exciting for the students. In particular, the Time Magazine about Lunar New Year was a classroom favorite. I've noticed that even a month later, some kiddos still pull it out first for independent reading time. They immediately wanted to research the lucky dragon, and were especially curious when learning that there are many different cultures that follow the lunar cycle.
Finally, the addition of these weekly magazines are an invaluable supplement to our science curriculum and our nonfiction reading lessons. They make our students feel like active citizens, scientists, analysts of current events, and grown readers.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
This classroom project was brought to life by Dollar General Literacy Foundation and 2 other donors.Inquiry Centers for Curious Minds
Funded Aug 3, 2020Due to the pandemic, my Kindergarteners and I spent the past four months learning remotely. In the upcoming months, I am so looking forward to seeing many of them coming back in a hybrid model - fewer students in the next quarter, followed by (hopefully) most of them in our final quarter.
Although our STEM centers will look different this year than I originally planned, I'm still excited to pull out these items that have been safely stored away and split them into individual bins to be cleaned and rotated among my in-person students.
Because safety is my number 1 priority in my classroom, I plan on making only the easy-to-clean items available to my students in these independent-play bins. They will be able to sharpen their inquiry skills at these solo stations working with lincoln logs, building magnet tile towers, and immersing themselves in various animal-related dramatic play.
I am sharing photos of the items received. And though these items have yet to be touched by eager little Kindergartener hands, they are still very much appreciated.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods and one other donor.Readers That Rock!
Funded Mar 2, 2020I am so incredibly grateful for your generous donations! This was the nicest surprise and I absolutely can't wait to show the students these exciting new reading materials. Their reading has grown so much over this year. I'm so stoked to show them that reading is another window to learning about our favorite topics.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler
This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 3 other donors.Let's Get Started With Seat Sacks!
Funded Aug 16, 2019I literally cannot picture our classroom without the chair pockets that you helped purchase. Inside of these chair pockets we store:
-our nameplate
-our scissors
-one bucket of 10 math counters
-a dry erase marker and eraser baggie
-a dry erase board
-an erasable name-writing template
-our work folder
-our writing folder
-our handwriting name I.D.
-our book baggie (with 5-6 books inside)
and it's only November!
Without this storage, there would be a lot more clutter and congestion inside of the classroom, along with a lot of unnecessary transitions to collect these items from their homes throughout the room. Instead, I can just tell my students to turn around and grab their scissors from their pocket. It takes five seconds.
My twenty-nine students take very good care of their items and have since the first day of school. From the beginning, it gave each of them a space of their own to maintain. If they are moved to another table, their pocket goes with them. My students even share lockers, so giving them a space that is within their zone of control goes far in developing their sense of independence and responsibility.
Finally, the kiddos were thrilled to learn that their chair pockets were gifts from Ms. Hasler's friends and family. They are obsessed with their "Meet Ms. Hasler" book in the library corner, and they now point to the photos saying, "They gave us the chair pockets!"
I understand that to you it probably felt like a simple gift, but in all honesty, these items are monumental to the running of my classroom and the learning of my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Hasler