Fitness, Drumming, Movement & Middle Schoolers

Funded Nov 23, 2020

Each week, we take one of 2 classes to focus solely on drumming, moving and collaborative performing. We begin the 80 min class with arm/stick warm ups, then move to easy note reading to a popular song (currently Dance Monkey). Then we follow along to some 'play-a-long' videos on YouTube for bucket drumming. We create our own patterns for songs that get our whole body moving (as much as middle schoolers will feel 'comfortable' doing ; -) ): moving to the beat above our heads, in front of us on the exercise balls, squatting down low on the sides of the buckets. We also sit on the exercise balls to not only play on the buckets, but to work on our computers, taking brain breaks to do some crunches.

When I began taking the time to blow up all the equipment, the students were SO excited. They talk in the halls about what they are doing in class and their friends ask when it's their turn for music class. Students focus during class because they don't want to lose the opportunity to use the equipment!

We most recently began learning a drumming accompaniment to Toto's Africa. Part of our goal is to practice with precision so they earn the chance to play with black lights on in the dark. I purchased some blacklight tape and put it on the sticks and the buckets so they will glow!

We are so grateful for these opportunities your donation gave our school!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Day