Past projects 9
Help Create an Inviting and Inclusive Library for Our Students!
Funded May 6, 2022Thank you so very much for your generous donations to fund this project. I have been so busy with getting books like these into our readers' hands that I completely forgot about thanking you! I am so very sorry for that. Once the year gets rolling, I just get so focused on the students in front of me each day that everything else seems to get neglected. Even though this is a late thank you, I want you to know how appreciative we are.
Because of you, our students who have grown-ups at home who are Spanish speaking/reading, can borrow books from our library to read with together. Our collection is still rather small, but it has some of our most popular books in it, so the kids have been excited to get to borrow their favorites but in their grown-ups' native language. The Llama Destruye el Mundo has been the absolute favorite.
I will continue to work to build a collection to serve all of our students and that is reflective of all of our cultures, identities, and languages. Thank you for your support in this endeavor.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by Dollar General Literacy Foundation and 5 other donors.Let's Create a Library Full of Books that Celebrates Diversity!
Funded Apr 1, 2021Thank you for your generosity in helping to add diversity to our library collection. Because of you, I was able to add books to our library with diverse characters and that are written and illustrated by diverse authors and illustrators. Having a collection that is representative of our diverse society is incredibly important for so many reasons.
First, it is so important for students to be able to see themselves and their families in the books that are on the shelves of their school library. This provides a sense of belonging and affirmation. Moreover, the absence of these books can have the opposite effect. I have seen first-hand how students' eyes light up and how they fill with pride when they see characters in a story who look, speak, dress, eat, pray, etc. like they do.
Additionally, it is important for students to see those who are different from themselves in the books on the shelves of their school library. Through stepping into a character's shoes for a time students can began to build empathy and learn to respect others. Your generosity will have a huge impact on students for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.Mini-Home Libraries for Kids
Funded Sep 16, 2020Thank you for your generosity to make this project happen. Because of you, I was able to deliver mini-home libraries to hundreds of kids this summer and even a few into fall. For each student, I put together a bag of books I thought they would like based on their check-out history and then delivered them to their front porch. Because of social distancing, I was only able to wave from a distance away, but I could still see the surprise and joy on their little faces. Oh how fun to have a package of awesome just for you books delivered! Because of you, I was able to connect with students while so many of them are feeling isolated during the closure of school buildings.
Many of the students at my school are from homes who do not have a lot of monetary resources, so when school buildings and public libraries closed, they lost access to books. This creates an even greater gap between those who can purchase books and other resources and those who are unable to. Your donation allowed for us to help lessen that divide. Your generosity has truly made an immeasurable impact.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose 20th Anniversary Fund and 14 other donors.High Interest Graphic Novels to Encourage a Love of Reading
Funded Mar 6, 2020Thank you so incredibly much for your generosity. Because of you, our students will have access to extremely popular graphic novels in their school library. Many of our students are reluctant and/or struggling readers. Not only are graphic novels incredibly motivating for students due to their appeal, they are also more accessible than traditional chapter books. The images within the books allow for students to access material that is interesting to their age that they may not be able to access in a traditional text.
As a librarian, one of the most important aspects of my job is fostering a love of reading within students that will serve them for their entire lives and having a collection that appeals to students is vital to that endeavor. Your generosity has allowed for me to add books to our collection that will entice students to read more and to help build their confidence and identity as a reader.
I apologize for not being able to include photos of students with the books, but in our current situation with distance learning, this was a challenge. I can assure you that students will love these books and that they will be able to access them through our curbside check out system. Your donation has helped to give students something to look forward to during an otherwise pretty bleak time for many.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 8 other donors.Mini Home Libraries for Students in Need
Funded Jul 7, 2020I am so incredibly thankful for your generosity. Without you, I would not have been able to bring so much joy to so many kids during such a difficult time. I am so sorry that I do not have pictures of the kids with their books for you. Due to the additional challenges created by COVID and social distancing, I did not obtain any permission slips from parents.
I hope that you will close your eyes and imagine their surprise when their librarian showed up on their doorstep, placed a bag of amazing brand new books in front of their door, rang the door bell, and stepped back 6'. I can tell you that it typically went from a look of confusion and then realization of who I was. When they noticed, or I brought their attention to the books and let them know they were for them to keep, there were huge smiles and excitement. Then they, typically, started digging into the bag and totally forgot I was even there.
You see, most of these students do not have books of their own. Items such as books are a luxury when your family is struggling to put food on the table. These students depend on their school library for access to books and they lost that access due to COVID. I believe that all kids should own their own books and you helped make that happen for hundreds of kids this summer. Books are always important, but I believe that having books as a form of escape during difficult times is essential. You provided that for my kids and I will forever be thankful for that. But you provided them with so much more than books. For these most vulnerable students, you let them know that their community cares for them and that they're not forgotten. You brought a little joy and excitement into their day during an extremely hard time. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by and 6 other donors.Keep Students Reading
Funded May 5, 2020Thank you for your compassion, thoughtfulness, and generosity. As a librarian, I believe that one of my most important jobs is to help to promote equity. As I have expressed, our school district is one full of inequities. This is true for schools across our country. That is one of the reasons why access to libraries for students is so important. When the pandemic impacted student access to both school and public libraries, the need to address inequities involving access to books became vital. The thought of my students stuck at home with no access to books, while their peers across town had the resources to buy new books from online retailers or access through already developed home libraries kept me up at night. Because of you, I was able to deliver thousands of books to hundreds of kids this summer. Due to current circumstances, I was not able to have parents print and sign permission slips, so unfortunately, I am unable to provide student pictures but I hope you can picture their faces full of surprise (Why is my librarian on my front door step?) and excitement. These books not only provided students with mini-home libraries to read but also let them know that they are important, loved, and supported by their community.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 11 other donors.Keep Kids Reading
Funded May 20, 2020Thank you so much for your donations. Thanks to you, I was able to deliver mini home libraries to hundreds of students in my school this summer. I wish that times were different and I was able to get permission slips signed so that you could see the joy on their faces. Many of these students live in homes where simply getting food on the table is a struggle. They do not have the ability to purchase books, which as you probably know, can be quite costly. In providing access to books for these students you have helped remind them that they are not alone. They are valued. Just because schools and libraries have physically closed, their community has not forgotten about them.
Also, there is a lot of research out there about the academic benefits of independent reading, so I have to believe we have done a little to help remediate the infamous summer slide. I worry about my students who live in homes where families are not able to provide enrichment opportunities that their more affluent peers have access to. We have not been able to physically return to school since March and that concerns me for the achievement gap and how my students will be impacted. I have to believe that these books will help with that. Thank you so incredibly much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 9 other donors.High Interest Graphic Novels to Support Struggling Readers
Funded Dec 3, 2019I wish you could have experienced the excitement generated by these new graphic novels in our library. Prior to putting them on the shelves students were able to "sample" them. Each table had a stack of new graphic novels (thanks to you) and students moved from table to table browsing books and keeping track of titles they want to read in their reader's notebook. Once on the shelves, these books were immediately checked out and there continues to be a long waiting list for most of the titles.
As I mentioned previously, the majority of our students lack access to quality high-interest reading materials outside of school so it is imperative that we provide access here. Graphic novels get a bad rap, but people are finally starting to realize their value. Many are written at high levels but the pictures provide students who may be struggling to read with a scaffold that allows them to access the material. This allows students to access material that is interesting to them for their age and grade level but may be written at a level that they struggle to read without the supporting pictures. Graphic novels can be a gateway into shaping students into confident readers who see reading as something that is to be enjoyed. In donating to this project you have helped provide students with some amazing books that are sure to help them become life-long readers which, to be honest, is life-altering. It's no small thing, so thank you so very much. The impact you will have through this project is immeasurable.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous classroom supporter and 5 other donors.Books in Students' Native Languages For Our Diverse Population.
Funded Aug 8, 2019Thank you so very much for your donation to this project. It brings my heart so much joy to know that our students whose primary language is Spanish have access to the same high interest books as their peers in their first language. It is so important for our students to know that their primary language is something to be valued. Having books in our library in their first language helps them, and their peers, to understand this. I still need to find and add books in other languages to our collection but this is a great start to making our library more inclusive.
I want to tell you the story of a first grade girl who every week gets one book in English for herself and one in Spanish for her mom to be able to read to her. You see, this little girl's mom does not read in English, so when her student brings home books from the library in English she is unable to read them to her. Our library is their only access to books for economic and other reasons. Adding these books in Spanish has provided so many more reading opportunities for this student and her mother. Every parent should be able to read with their child and every child should be able to be read to by their parent. And you have helped make this happen. Every week this particular student is so excited about the book she has selected in Spanish to take home for her mom to read to her. I wish you could see her. Her beautiful brown eyes dance with excitement as she shows me what she has chosen. I can only imagine how her momma feels finally getting to read books from the library to her baby girl. Thank you for this. While this is the story of one student, I can assure you many more have been positively impacted by your donation.
The addition of books in Spanish to our collection will have a huge impact for years to come and not just on our students whose primary language is Spanish. Having these books in our library helps all students to understand the value of inclusivity and diversity. The presence of these books alone has already sparked some really great conversations between myself and students and among students as well. Thank you so incredibly much for your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Flanagan