Past projects 1
Scissors for Agriculture Students
Funded Mar 14, 2020
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My students use my classroom scissors for typical classroom assignments, but also for processing floral arrangements and fresh cut flowers. My classroom set of scissors was purchased in January and after just two weeks of use for floral design, the scissor blades have started to separate and now they can't even cut paper. We create floral designs using locally donated flowers to allow students to practice the concepts of design and get an idea of what the life of a florist looks like. We even deliver these arrangements to all adults in our building to really complete the producer/customer process! It's simple, but with classes focused entirely on plant science, a good pair of scissors is more important than one would realize! Please consider helping me get a classroom set of scissors that can cut any paper my kiddos need to alter, while also letting them stretch their creative muscles and green thumbs as we go through our plant science curriculum for years to come!