Learning Through Read Alouds

Funded Aug 1, 2019

My kids and I cannot express thank you enough for the wonderful books we received because of your generous donation. Story time has become an interesting part of the day. Students are learning so much about the world around them through the books you purchased for my class.

I have seen an increase in the students excitement of reading because the books are so interesting. They really love reading the books during center time. I can't get them to go to other centers because all they want to do is read the books you purchased. That is something because they want to read more than play the games at the other centers.

It has made my teaching better because I actually have books to use for teaching certain concepts such as how animals teach their offspring to survive, how animals protect themselves, how animals use their body parts to survive. We are enjoying learning through these books during the daily read aloud lesson. Thank you so much for what you have done for my kids.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Brown