Past projects 2
With Some Digital Help, Let's Open the World of Reading!
Funded Aug 5, 2021Thank you, thank you, thank you! My students have begun using our new Scan Markers and already they are making a difference. For most of my students, reading is their greatest challenge. For my 4th and 5th grade students, who are preparing for their transition to middle school, their challenges with the actual skill of reading often stands in the way of their comprehension; especially as they begin to work with higher leveled text. Having our new classroom Scan Markers allows the students to focus more on comprehension rather than getting hung up on words and phrases that they are struggling to decode and read. The students are already using the Scan Markers with the new novel, Hatchet, that we have begun reading.
My students LOVE technology, so having a new type of technology that they have not experienced before has been really exciting to the students. There has been a bit of a learning curve with using the Scan Markers, but each student has embraced it and they ask, often, to be able to use the Scan Markers; even when they don't really need to use them. Even my students, who do not have a need for the use of the Scan Markers, ask to use them regularly.
I do have a couple of students that have expressed how much our new Scan Markers are helping them with their reading. One student in particular, Aiden, shared with me that he "really likes the scan marker because it helps him to read the words he doesn't know and that helps him understand" what he is reading better. As we continue this school year, I continue to look forward to the gains my students will make with the help of our new Scan Markers. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mainor
Helping Our Focus: Flexible & Moveable Seating
Funded Jul 11, 2019Thank you, thank you, thank you! I cannot tell you how much having our new yoga ball chairs have positively impacted our classroom.
When my students first saw our new chairs there was such excitement. They could not wait to try them out. Finally, there were no arguments over who got to sit in the one "special" chair in the room. They were truly like kids on Christmas morning.
Working with students, who have a need to move on a regular basis, is often a challenge. Having our new chairs has provided a step in combating this challenge. Since we have received our chairs, I have found that my students are working better independently and during small group activities. Being able to move, and bounce, has shown an increase in the students being able to focus and work. I find that I have to redirect students less to remain in their seats and to focus on their tasks. While, at times, the students need to be reminded to not to bounce too much (as they can get a little excited), they are doing great.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mainor
This classroom project was brought to life by and 9 other donors.