Past projects 1
Creating Connections With Cornhole
Funded Aug 14, 2019
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I have been a counselor for 12 years in public school. I believe that the most effective way to help students develop/refine social skills is to involve them in real-life social situations to practice the skills that they are learning. I recently joined a social Cornhole league for adults just for fun and it has been the springboard for some new ideas on how I can reach my students most efficiently and effectively. As I was brainstorming innovative ideas for this school year, I had the unique idea of what would be a better environment to teach social skills in than a game of cornhole? It is not a complicated sport, and students could be taught the basics in a few sessions with no prior experience. It is very social, and friendships are formed as you are standing around which would be the perfect environment to practice the social skills/conversational skills that we are focusing on developing. Also, it involves some multi-step math when calculating scores. Cornhole is an ideal setting for social skills/conversational skills. It is also versatile because it can be played indoors/outdoors and doesn't require a lot of space or materials. I would like to create a Cornhole club at school that will target students in grades 3-5 who struggle with friendships, social skills and conversational skills.