Past projects 5
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Journalists At Work!
Funded Aug 31, 2023Thank you so much for your contributions to my classroom this year! These supplies are things we use all throughout the year to increase engagement and encourage students to work with one another. There have been many opportunities for students to practice these skills this year because of your generosity.
The students LOVE using the giant sticky notes and chart markers. It is a great opportunity for them to share their own ideas with their classmates and show what they learned. We have also been able to complete many projects with the markers, permanent markers and other supplies. I have also been able to provide pencils in addition to a clean environment for my students with the disinfecting wipes and tissues. These supplies have helped students learn essential skills that they can refer back to throughout the year. They have been a great resource along the way!
We would not be able to do what we do without your generosity and willingness to help classrooms in our community. My students and I appreciate it more than we can express!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cantrell
This classroom project was brought to life by LOFT.The Basics of a Collaborative Classroom
Funded Oct 14, 2022Thank you so much for your contributions to my classroom this year! These supplies are things we use all throughout the year to increase engagement and encourage students to work with one another. There have been many opportunities for students to practice these skills this year because of your generosity.
The students LOVE using the giant sticky notes and chart markers. It is a great opportunity for them to share their own ideas with their classmates and show what they learned. We have also been able to complete many projects with the markers, permanent markers and other supplies. I have also been able to provide pencils in addition to a clean environment for my students with the disinfecting wipes and tissues.
We would not be able to do what we do without your generosity and willingness to help classrooms in our community. My students and I appreciate it more than we can express!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cantrell
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 2 other donors.Cheering for Safety!
Funded Oct 21, 2021I want to express my sincerest thanks for your help in funding four new mats for the cheerleaders at Plaza Park. When the girls found out that people beyond our school that believe in them and are cheering them on, they were beside themselves! Once the mats arrived, we did the "big reveal" and the team could not wait to actually use them. The girls were able to safely practice a pyramid stunt to incorporate into their Exhibition routine. It was inspiring to them that there are people other than their coach that are rooting for their success.
The girls work so hard at each practice. When it came time to perform their routine in front of the other schools in our city, Plaza Park was recognized as having the most spirit of all the teams that were there! They received the Banana Award which was the highest honor of the night and a symbol of accomplishment in the cheer world.
Now that we have new mats, the team has been practicing many new stunts at practice. The girls have a new motivation to try new things. The mats have improved the productivity and safety at our practices and have ultimately helped bring the team together. I could not be more proud of them and look forward to using them to learn more challenging stunts in the days to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cantrell
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and one other donor.Collaborating From a Distance
Funded Jul 23, 2020Thank you so much for donating to my classroom! As I am sure you are aware, this year has brought many challenges beyond the "normal" day to day ones that face. Social distancing has made it tough to do the collaborative work that I usually implement in my classroom. Additionally, when the year started, I was short a desk in my classroom. The stools and the lap-desks provided a space that still felt like "their space" to those students that opted to use them so that another could have a desk. Teachers and students alike have really stepped up to make this year feel as close to normal as possible. Your generosity has contributed to that!
We are still able to work collaboratively, but it requires more materials and more creativity. Students are often drained after doing most of their work on computers; and while many of the supplies you helped fund can be used alongside technology, the items that my students have LOVED are the ones that are designed to be collaborated with away from a screen. When they see the giant sticky notes on the wall when they enter the room, you can see the sense of relief on their faces. More supplies has meant everyone can have a marker/clipboard AND that we have more opportunities to use them. The giant sticky notes are my favorite way to share student ideas with the group. The students really work together to get the best ideas out there. We've had to get creative to be socially distant, but it has been so refreshing to see their minds at work through collaboration without a computer.
Thank you so much for your generosity. These supplies have helped my students collaborate while social distancing. I'm looking forward to using them throughout the year & beyond!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cantrell
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and 11 other donors.Three Cheers for Mats!
Funded Nov 28, 2019I want to express my sincerest thanks for your help in funding four new mats for the cheerleaders at Plaza Park. When the girls found out that people beyond our school that believe in them and are cheering them on, they were beside themselves! Once the mats arrived, we did the "big reveal" and the team could not wait to actually use them. The girls were able to safely practice a pyramid stunt to incorporate into their Exhibition routine. It was inspiring to them that there are people other than their coach that are rooting for their success.
The girls work so hard at each practice. When it came time to perform their routine in front of the other schools in our city, Plaza Park was recognized as having the most spirit of all the teams that were there! They received the Banana Award which was the highest honor of the night and a symbol of accomplishment in the cheer world.
Now that we have new mats, the team has been practicing many new stunts at practice. The girls have a new motivation to try new things. The mats have improved the productivity and safety at our practices and have ultimately helped bring the team together. I could not be more proud of them and look forward to using them to learn more challenging stunts in the days to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cantrell
This classroom project was brought to life by DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation - Sports Matter and 13 other donors.