Past projects 2
Additional Tools to Learning!
Funded Jan 22, 2020Supplemental Tools Helps Grow Success
Funded Jan 20, 2020
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Our school is located in a low income area, which results in a low amount of funds that come in every year for supplies. As a teacher I want to provide my students with everything I can to help them succeed to their greatest potential. Due to the lack of funding we have a low amount of technology in the school, let alone in each classroom. I hope to increase the amount of Chromebooks in our school, specifically our classroom. I believe it is important to provide the students with all different aspects of learning due to all the different learning techniques of all students. Also, technology is a growing factor in everyone's lives from higher education and the workforce. I want to teach my students how to use computers, and how it can further their learning in all different ways. Each day the students can use the computers for any subject to learn something new, from new knowledge, research history, or even take a virtual field trip to a different country. Included with the need for computers, is the need for a charger station for the computers. This station makes it simple for the students to access them and store it properly in the classroom. In addition, this station not only charged them, but is capable of being locked. The ability of locking the station always me to know they will be safe at all times when they are not in use.