Let's Get the Supplies We Need!

Funded Aug 24, 2019

I am overwhelmed with the help that I received getting the materials donated for our classroom. It is wonderful to know that I do not need to purchase or have the children worry about purchasing the extra items that we needed to have our class run smoothly. Having the extra pencils and tissues in the classroom have been wonderful. Living in Delaware it gets cold here already and knowing that the children can have tissues in the classroom when they are needed is a huge help. Each year we ask children for certain supplies, but the students in my room do not have the money to go to the dollar store to purchase these items. Being able to hand them their needed binder and notebooks was priceless.

We have the children keep a Leadership Binder in their desk. In this binder the children keep track of and graph all of their tests that we have returned to them. Knowing that this was provided for them and they did not have to purchase it was wonderful. Seeing their faces when I told them I had a binder for them was priceless. I can't thank you enough.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Paul-Stein