Past projects 1
Let's Maximize Our Potential
Funded Jun 5, 2019This classroom project was brought to life by and one other donor.
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Graphing calculators help students visualize the concepts of mathematics in many ways. One of the many ways we will utilize this technology is by applying it to profit analysis. For example, students will study a scenario in which they own a business selling snow cones. Students will be provided with data describing the number of snow cones that are sold based on varying the price of the snow cones. Students will use the quadratic regression feature of the graphing calculators to form a quadratic function that represents the profit made from the snow cones as a function of the price of the snow cones. The graphing calculators will be used to view a graph of the function which students will use to find the best price to charge for their snow cones to make a maximum profit. Students will also be able to visualize the impact to their profit by under-charging or over-charging for their product. This is but one benefit of many that my students will receive because of your donation to this project.