Past projects 1
We Need Diverse Books!
Funded May 2, 2019
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"Children's books continue to be an invaluable source of information and values. The visual and verbal messages young children absorb from books heavily influence their ideas about themselves and others. Carefully choosing quality children's books is an indispensable educational and child-rearing task" (Source: Louise Derman-Sparks via Teaching for Change) My students need books with characters that are similar to them as well as books about people who are different from them. These books will make a huge difference in not only my students' education, but their lives as a whole. While I have worked to create a diverse classroom library for my students, there is still a lack of quality multicultural books available to them. The addition of these books would be an incredible step forward in providing my students with the literature experiences they need and deserve. These books will be used in a variety of ways to teach a variety of topics including inclusivity, acceptance, and mindfulness.