Books Like Me!

Funded May 7, 2019

Reading is one of the most important parts of a 2nd grade day. In my classroom, we have teacher read -alouds, partner reading, small group reading, reading lessons, and independent reading time. Students participate in Reading Workshop. I teach a small mini lesson then students go off independently to try the new skill I taught. They may also work with me in a small group or independently during their individual reading time. Students are reading books they chose from my classroom library at their individual reading level. My students "shop" for new books once a week. Students usually have about 10 books with them at all times during reading. When I am able to place new books on my book shelves there is sheer excitement. It is important that I am able to place books at a variety of levels and interests.

One of our main teaching units is on series chapter books. Unfortunately, not all students are reading official chapter books , based on their reading level. Many authors have written books though that look like chapter books, which make all students feel included in these lessons. During this unit, we continue to ask, " What was this chapter's job?"

The books that I was able to purchase from the grant were all series chapter books. More importantly, I was able to get books that 2nd grade students could relate too. Students need to be able to make connections to their book characters. It is so important that students have book characters that look like them, act like them, and have 2nd grade problems. The book must also be at their individual level.

When the new books were placed on the shelves, they were immediately checked out. Students were busy chatting with classmates about how they loved their new book. Everyone in the class was able to find a book they were interested in and could hold their attention. It was a true dream, watching my students check out these new books, read them, and share their excitement with their classmates.

I can't thank you enough for making my heart full, and my students brains filled with passion to learn.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Compton