Great Musicians Need Good Instruments!

Funded Jun 7, 2019

The fourth grade students had the privilege of opening the boxes of instruments when they arrived at the school. Their faces lit up! The comments were amazing! I heard "Now we can play great music!" "Thank you so much for these instruments, and we will take very good care of them." The students also commented on how good the drums and claves sounded. "We love them!" was echoed over and over again as we played our first song.

Over the last few weeks since receiving the instruments, the students have been able to play pieces of music that we could not play before. Their musicianship has improved, as well as their morale. They are so grateful that someone thought of them and their need for good instruments. The maturity level of the music students has increased since playing the instruments, as they have true respect for having "real" instruments, as opposed to the toy instruments they were using before.

The kindness and generosity of our donors have allowed my students to realize their dream of playing in a real band with real instruments! These wonderful instruments will be used for many years by over 450 students at the Dr. Gertrude Bailey International School. Our hearts are filled with gratitude! Thank you!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Antolini