Past projects 1
Adventure Leadership Training: Learning to Take Positive Risks
Funded Mar 28, 2019Words can't begin to describe how fantastic our trip to Empower was. Students got a chance to zip line, tree climb, and work together in team building activities. The environment was nothing but positive, and was an unbelievable way to end our school year. The message from Empower was one of unity, strength, and risk taking. This is exactly what we wanted. Students were able to push past fears and overcome all the obstacles they faced. As these students move toward high school and beyond, this day will stay with them. They will be able to look back on it, and see that taking a risk is ok, and people will always be there to support them. None of this would have been possible if it were not for all of you who donated. I can't thank you enough for helping me provide my students with this opportunity. Again, this meant the world to us, and you made it happen.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Strycharz