Past projects 2
Mrs. Miller’s Class Is on a Learning Mission!
Funded Sep 20, 2024I could not thank you enough for your kind donation to provide supplies for the students. With all of the materials that we purchased, the students have begun to love science. They have provided a way for me to provide a positive learning experience for my students that make them wanting more! My students beg to do experiments often, and we would not be able to do so without all of the materials! My English students are excited about the books and cannot wait until next semester to read it! My students and I thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Miller
Bounce Along With This One!
Funded Apr 16, 2019Thank you for all of your kind donations towards our project. My students were thrilled beyond belief to receive these items. The students loved all of the items that were purchased. It is amazing what flexible seating can do in a classroom. My students were in awe when they saw the seat cushions, due to never seeing one before. The seat cushions were the main hit! The yoga balls are amazing for my ones who need constant movement. When we went from not having flexible seating to now having flexible seating, it is amazing what the students have accomplished because they are more comfortable in the class. The calculators have been great! Our class only had a few so it was hard to accommodate everyone who needed one.
It was like Christmas in room 104! The students were so excited to receive all of the items, not only my students, but other students within the building as well. A lot of the students loved the chairs so much that they asked everyday if they could take them to their study hall to sit in to work. It has done so much for the students! They are able to wiggle around while learning without worrying if they are disturbing others around them
The next step within my classroom now that we have flexible seating options is to make continue making the classroom a welcoming environment for all learners. We are continuing to enhance our mathematical and English skills within the room! We are using the calculators with all types of math! The seats allow for a great reading area as well for our novel that we are working on as well!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Miller
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 6 other donors.