Past projects 1
Help With Headphones!
Funded Feb 6, 2019
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Technology is becoming more and more of a staple in the typical American classroom. There are many online programs made available to students that will help them improve the basic skills they may be lacking. Among the programs my students use is Lexia. Lexia is a literacy training program that will help bridge some of the gaps my ELA students have. Technology can help improve their grasp on language. For some of my students, it is a language barrier that they are struggling with and for others it just a lack of commitment to their education. Regardless of how students came to be below level, my job is to help them improve. Right now a lack of access to technology and resources, in this case, headphones, is standing in the way of my students' success. The current headphones we have are old and in very poor shape. They hurt the students' ears and don't always work. With your help, I can procure the headphones my students need to use an online literacy program during class without disrupting the other students.