Past projects 1
A Guide Through Learning's Most Difficult Challenges!
Funded Sep 3, 2022One of the hardest things about being a high school teacher is the fact that there is only one of you and one hundred and fifty students that you are serving. These numbers make it nearly impossible for you to work with each student one on one for a meaningful amount of time on a daily basis, no matter how much they might benefit from it. A document camera doesn't solve this dilemma but it does help. With a document camera you can work WITH students as they productively struggle with their own learning. They can see you work with them: brainstorming, editing, annotating, journaling, etc.
Students can see your hands working the way that their hands are working. This might seem like a little thing, students seeing your hands maneuver a pen or pencil across a document, but it demonstrates to students that you are doing what they are doing, that their teacher wouldn't ask anything of them that they wouldn't do themselves.
Thank you so much for your donation and for thinking about my students and their learning! This document camera is making a huge difference in my classroom. You're helping prove that learning and growing are all about community and that we can accomplish more together than alone.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Quezada