Past projects 5
Dry Ice and Electricity
Funded Aug 23, 2022Thank you for your generous contribution. I was able to purchase several items which allowed my students to experience science in a hands on and enjoyable way.
First, my students had the chance to experience the effects of liquid nitrogen in class. Wow, what a cool day it was. I was able to discuss gas laws and show the effects of super cooling different types of objects. The liquid nitrogen gives some really cool effects.
Secondly, I was able to use the neodymium magnets to have the students build working motors. They enjoyed this process and it really gave them a chance to think. In fact, a few students stayed after class on their own time to try to figure why their motor was working like it should have. Critical thinking was on full display.
Lastly, the batteries powered several items that are needed for labs. For example the batteries powered several constant velocity vehicles for kinematic experiments.
Thanks again for your support!!”
With gratitude,
Mr. David Wirth
This classroom project was brought to life by Arizona Department of Education.Ohm's Law
Funded Mar 10, 2022Thanks for your donation to support my Ohm's Law project. Ohm's Law is a fundamental law in physics and comprehension is imperative for success in physics. As a physics modeler, I have students collect data and then create physics models from that data. Your donation allowed me to purchase the necessary supplies to perform these labs with more precision.
One of the tools purchased was a multimeter. This tool allows students to collect data in a very accurate and convenient way. It was also helpful for students to learn how to use this tool for future use in real life applications.
Thanks again for your help and generosity!!”
With gratitude,
Mr. David Wirth
Physics With Tech
Funded Dec 10, 2021Thanks again for your donations in supporting my hands on approach to education.
In one project, students were able to construct a rocket. We used physics models to predict the height and velocity of the rocket based on it's dimensions and size of the engines. We launched the rockets and the students used trigonometry to measure the actual height of the rocket. The students were surprised at how close their rockets got to the actual prediction. My students had a great time and enjoyed seeing how how physics could be applied to a real life situation.
Your donation also purchased tools that students are able to use in the lab. I was excited when a students approached me and asked for a caliper to precisely measure the diameter of an object. I excited to give them a digital caliper which is now available in my classroom. My students studying electricity were excited to use multimeters to measure various part of circuits. These multimeters are not only great for the classroom but also for learning how to use for real life applications.
A few of the projects have not been realized yet. In a few weeks, several of my classes will build real working speakers. The bluetooth amplifier provided by your donation will be extremely useful in producing an input for their homemade speakers. I'm excited to use this tool which will increase the quality of this activity.
I also look forward to using the new 3D printer purchased from your donation. Students were excited when I mentioned that we would be using this in class.
Overall, your donation has added resources to my classroom that will give my students opportunities they did not have before. Thank you!!”
With gratitude,
Mr. David Wirth
Teaching STEM With Drones
Funded Aug 13, 2019Thank you for your generous donation which allowed me to bring drones into my Conceptual Physics class. The students were very excited when I pulled out the drones and asked them to prepare them for flight. They anxiously opened the boxes, downloaded the firmware, charged the drones and had them in the air in a short time.
After becoming familiar with the drones, I challenged the students to combine the drones with the current project which is to create and power a car using stored energy. The students were assigned to provide "air coverage" of their cars during the competition. This provided an additional challenge and motivation for the students.
The drones are adaptable and will be used to teach additional physics concepts and will be added as a component to future projects. Eventually the students will learn how to code the drones to accomplish a given mission.
Overall, your donation is giving my students a real STEM learning experiences which will help prepare them for their future.”
With gratitude,
Mr. David Wirth
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 4 other donors.Programming Robots
Funded Nov 29, 2018Thank you for your generous donation to my classroom. The supplies purchased have allowed my students to have real STEM experiences.
The electronic kits have given my students a solid introduction to electronics and programming. My students were very excited when they opened the kits and got their "hands dirty" for the first time. It was exciting for me to see the learning that took place as they progressed from activity to activity. These experiences will give me something to build upon as I introduce circuit theory. This will also allow me to introduce the possibilities that exist through coding. This project will continue through the end of the year as students build their own personalized projects and integrate 3D printing.
The robots were a great motivation to students and introduction to coding. The robots were very intuitive and provided students with the opportunity learn the basics of coding. I was impressed with how quickly the students adapted to these new tools and quickly increased their sophistication of use. As we progress, my goal is to strengthen physics concepts by having the students model physics through programming.
Thirdly, my students have really enjoyed the Lego Robots. These robots have given my students the opportunity to code and also apply their physics concepts in a real and exciting way. The culminating project will be to have the students build "fighting robots" where students will have the opportunity to have their robots compete against each others in a ring. The attached picture shows a past project using these robots and the excitement that is generated. You can see the excitement on the faces of the students as they compete. The 3 robots that were donated will join the ones I have to create smaller groups so that students have a better experience. The culminating fight will occur at the end of this year.
Thanks again for your generous donation. These supplies and kits will last many years and will help motivate students towards the much needed STEM fields.”
With gratitude,
Mr. David Wirth