Past projects 1
Hands-on Learning is the Best Kind of Learning!
Funded Jan 27, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education.
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Going on a field trip to Timpanogos Cave Monument allows students to see and experience their science curriculum in the real world. They will be able to transfer understanding about changes to the Earth's surface that they are learning in the classroom in an authentic way. Students will see the impact of forces that change the surface of the earth over time. They will make connections to these lessons on the trail, in the caves, and while looking at the mountain formations around the cave, as well. The rangers will support students in both understanding how the Earth has changed over time, and also appreciating and protecting our Earth. For many of the students, this will be their first experience at a national monument and for others, it will be their first experience either participating in a hike or spending time in nature. This opportunity will provide students with background knowledge and hands-on learning opportunities that can support them in 5th grade and in their future learning.