Past projects 1
5th Grade Book Study - Blood on the River
Funded Jan 24, 2019
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Our 5th graders need a set of Blood on the River. This is a historical fiction account of Jamestown. Students will participate in small group discussions and be able to improve their ability to cite evidence when responding to a text. We will use some primary sources, like John Smith's journal entries and videos of the excavation of Jamestown today, to better understand how our country began. We will also analyze the impact of explorers claiming land in North America and attempt to understand the perspective of the native tribes in relation to this period in history. In addition, students will be participating in a simulation, taking the on the role of one of the original Jamestown colonists. They will experience the perilous journey across the Atlantic, the shocking reality of the New World, unexpected twists and turns in building and burning relationships with Natives, and fighting for survival. We strive to expose students to quality literature and increase their reading comprehension and engagement level by integrating U.S. History with language arts. Any help in making history come alive in our classroom is greatly appreciated!