Past projects 1
Books that Take Us through History and Around the World
Funded Dec 6, 2018The impact these books have had on my students is amazing! I wish you could be in my classroom to witness the excitement that these clean, new, content rich books give us! We will be in the middle of our Listening and Learning lessons and students have been saying things like, "do we have a book about that?!" "I just learned that in one of our books yesterday!!" "can we look that up in one of the new books?".
It's so wonderful to have my students independently reading and understanding captions, table of contents, and enjoying the texts in front of them! They come up with any excuse they can to go get one of our new books and find evidence or more information on a topic. They are so engaged in these texts. I'm a big fan of using Google to answer the questions that pop during lessons, but there has been something magical about watching second graders run to books to find their answers!
These books align perfectly with our 12 domain topics and are easy for students to navigate. This project has brought books to life and given these kids tools to learn independently. We are so grateful for what you have done for us. It goes way beyond just having new books. You have changed the way these kids think about books, research, learning, and discovery!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Swenson
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 19 other donors.