Past projects 7
Building Words on Our Collaboration Table Part 4
Funded Oct 26, 2020Thank you for donating to my "Building Words On Our Collaboration Table" project.
This unique flower petal design collaboration table will be a great addition to my classroom when we return to the physical setting. My first grade students will be able to work together at a table that is just the right size for them! No more oversized desks being pushed together to make groups for collaboration! Not only will this allow my students to sit comfortably and work together, but this table allow for more flexible space in my classroom!
Not only will my students enjoy this flexible seating, they will have fun developing their reading skills by using the Phonics Magnetic Word Building Boards and the Phonics Stack Flip Books. These hands on activities will be great with much enthusiasm after many months of tech based virtual activities! From my experience, no matter how inviting tech can be, students still enjoy talking, working and playing together!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In.Building Words on Our Collaboration Table Part 3
Funded Oct 19, 2020I would like to thank our fantastic donors for supporting my "Building Words on Collaboration Tables" Project. After almost a year of virtual teaching, I am looking forward, hopefully, soon to return to school to set up my classroom. I am excited that my students will be able to work together around this unique flower petal shaped table. No longer will their legs and feet be dangling from sitting in ill fitting desks. Now they will be able to sit comfortably and be able to work together!
To build their reading skills, they will be able to work together as the master the various activities with the Phonics Instant Learning Centers which range from providing practice on build CVC words, to long vowels to digraphs! My students love to share in the virtual setting! I can only imagine their excitement when they return to the physical setting with new collaboration tables and filled with hands on learning activities!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron and one other donor.Building Words On Our Collaboration Table - Part 2
Funded Oct 16, 2020I would like to thank my incredible donors for supporting my "Building Words On Collaboration Tables" Project. Although I have not been able to teach in my classroom since March 13th, 2020 when COVID hit, soon I am looking forward to setting up my physical classroom with this unique flower shaped collaboration table.
When in the traditional setting my first grade students have worked in desks that were meant for upper grade students, thus very awkward and tiring for my students since they would be having to sit up on their knees to work. Now with this table I can have up to six students sit comfortably and be able to collaborate. Also, they will be able to develop their reading and writing skills by working together using the Phonics Magnetic Word Building Boards and the Creating Sight Words Sentence Center. My students enjoy learning through exploration and hands on activities. After a year of virtual learning, they will be thrilled to return to an warm and inviting room filled with engaging learning activities.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron and one other donor.Building Words on Our Collaboration Tables Part 1
Funded Oct 14, 2020I would like to thank our generous donors for contributing to my "Building Words on Our Collaboration Tables" Project. When I moved grades and classrooms my room was in dire need of a make over. It had been used as a storeroom and was filled with an odd assortment of furniture that was not conducive for first grade students. Little by little I began sorting out the various pieces. When another colleague had ordered these unique flower petal shaped collaboration tables, I knew these would be perfect for my students! Just the right height, just the right number of students per table and they would be perfect for promoting social interaction as the students participated in various hands on learning activities throughout the day.
We have not been able to return to the physical school setting since March 13, 2020, but hopefully, we may have a return to school soon. If and when my students return this year, they will walk into a warm and inviting classroom that is tailor made for first grade students! They will be able to sit and work comfortably at their tables!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron and 2 other donors.Going the Distance: Learning at Home
Funded Jul 23, 2020I would like to thank our incredible donors for their generous donations to keep my students supplied with some wonderful basic learning tools. During this virtual environment it has been wonderful for my students to have their "personal office" set up in their homes. Once COVID hit our community, so many of my students did not have access to basic school supplies-limited transportation and financial means as many of our families jobs and health were impacted by the pandemic. By reaching out to Donors Choose I have been able to provide the basic essentials to my students. Through our monthly curriculum and supply pick up my students now always have various learning materials and tools.
By having for each student the following basic items: crayons, pencils, dry erase boards and markers, glue, scissors and pencil boxes allows for each child to have his/her own "personal office" at home. Students are always prepared for their daily online class with all the necessary learning tools to engage in the virtual lessons. Also, they never have to worry about not be able to receive more supplies through the year.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and 4 other donors.Classroom Supplies Are Needed!
Funded May 6, 2020I would like to thank our wonderful donors for contributing to my "Classroom Supplies Needed." Our class has been and continuous to work virtually. These resources granted through this project has afforded my students to have a creative outlet through these challenging times. On a weekly basis we are able to make our Fridays a fun and engaging time! My students look forward to our weekly hands on art lessons!
Every 3-4 weeks my students come to the drive thru at our school to pick up their monthly pencil and paper work assignments, texts, and work books. But what they most look forward to our their hands on supplies! When they pick up their supply bags and materials, the first thing they do is to start checking out all the "goodies" as their parents are pulling away from the curb! There is nothing like the feel and excitement of fresh paints, crayons, pencils and pads of paper! This infusion of supplies has helped to keep my students excited about learning through these challenging times!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 4 other donors.Piggie, Gerald, and Pete the Cat, Meet Dr. Seuss
Funded Mar 4, 2020This wonderful, generous donation has made a significant impact in my first grade classroom this year! The majority of my students are second language learners and come from low socio economic backgrounds, therefore their access to a variety of books is quite limited. However, they look forward to our daily read aloud times. I read aloud to my students 2-3 times a day varying the types of genres. Through my read aloud times I am able to pre teach or access prior knowledge, as well as building their vocabulary and oral comprehension skills.
In addition, I had selected for my students vary in reading levels so my students are able to select books to read at their own independent reading level. After reading a self selected book, my students are able to take an Accelerated Reading test to test their comprehension. My emerging readers love to read about the adventures of Elephant and Piggie, as well as practicing their fluency reading the creative Dr. Suess books which have fun rhymes and rhythm.
Finally, this generous donation has allowed for me to expand my class library as this is my second year teaching first grade after years of teaching in the upper grades.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 3 other donors.