Past projects 2
Bringing Technology into PE Class!
Funded Feb 2, 2022Thank you for helping us bring technology into our PE class! Having an iPad available to my students brings in new opportunities in my PE classes. There are an infinite amount of resources online to learn about fitness and health, and sharing this technology with my students allows me to help them navigate reliable and beneficial websites and apps for them to use.
Students learn in different ways and come with all different levels of background knowledge. I have found this to be especially true in PE. I have had some students who have played a certain sport their whole lives, and other students who have never even heard of that sport. I have found an effective way of teaching students a new sport or skill in PE is through demonstration. An amazing thing about the iPad is it allows me to share videos and demonstrations to help teach students about the sports we are learning, which really helps students to see and understand what is expected of them. And with the mobility of the iPad I can bring the videos to them even outside while we are playing! Students are able to learn faster which lets them spend more time doing and playing the sport, an important part of physical education.
The iPad is also a tool that helps students to work collaboratively. They can now strategize together, create videos together, and demonstrate their learning using the technology available on the iPad. Not every student in PE loves to play sports and be active, so this helps to reach those students in different ways to keep them engaged!
Thank you for helping my students learn in new ways!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Wettstein
Teaching Health With Simulation Goggles
Funded Oct 17, 2018I was in the middle of teaching a lesson when the T.A. from the front office came in to my class carrying the boxes of "drunk goggles." I was so excited, and could not wait to show my students what had just arrived. They were all as anxious as I was, and could not wait to try the goggles out. It was all they could talk about! Thank you for giving us this amazing opportunity. I will never forget the looks on my students' faces.
I had various activities and tasks for my students to complete while they were wearing the goggles. At first, I could tell my students had underestimated how challenging it would be to do even daily tasks like walking with the goggles on. They were immediately "humbled" as they tried to walk in a straight line, as a person does when they are being tested for a DUI.
One of the greatest parts about these drunk goggles was the discussion we were able to have after the students had a chance to use them. We discussed how the students looked during the activity, their ability to walk, toss a ball to someone, and even stand on one leg. The students were able to truly see for themselves that alcohol and it's effects does NOT make you look "cool." They also could see how dangerous it would be to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or to let someone else drive under the influence as well. That is a lesson I am grateful they did not have to learn the hard way. Thank you again for helping bring real world lessons into my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Wettstein
This classroom project was brought to life by Chevron Fuel Your School.