Past projects 1
Exploring Theatre: The Many Faces of Make Up Design
Funded Oct 24, 2018
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Many middle school aged students are uncomfortable in a theatre class. They are afraid to speak in front of their peers, and don't want to feel on the spot. I want to be able to teach these students about aspects of theatre without making them uncomfortable, and give those who enjoy being on stage the in-sight into what goes on behind the scenes. In this project, I will use the Mehron Make Up to let the students design characters and creatures to bring to life. Donating to this project would allow my students to create and experiment with their own ideas, giving them the freedom to express themselves, and first hand experiences with design and practical elements of theatre. It would be beneficial for those who already enjoy theatre class to understand that there is much more to it than being on stage, and it be a great opportunity for those who are nervous in front of crowds to express their creativity and help put together a show. Students, either on their own, or in small groups, can design a look for a character. They will then apply the make up to one or more of their group members, making their ideas a reality. This project will not only let them explore their creativity, but also show them the kind of effort that goes into a full production. I want my students to understand that there is something for everyone in the world of theatre. You don't have to just dance and sing for an audience, you can design, build, create, execute, and direct pieces. This Make Up project will help inspire them to explore other avenues of theatre, and give them ideas for our production coming up at the end of this term.