Past projects 15
Help Pre-K Get Connected!
Funded May 8, 2024We are beyond grateful and excited to hear the news of our project being fully funded! I cannot wait to immediately put this iPad to work to take photos for our portfolios. I also am so excited to use the attendance app for families to sign their child in and out electronically. This will be incredibly helpful and a time saver!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors and 3 other donors.A Warm Welcome in PreK!
Funded Jul 1, 2023Thanks to your kindness and generosity, I was able to use the materials in this project to create a colorful, inviting and inspiring classroom environment. When my students arrived on the first day of school they were amazed by our classroom and all the exciting materials we have. Just as special as this moment was, it was just as special to share our classroom with their families during open house.
This project not only provided me with decorations to make my classroom warm and inviting, but I was also able to receive some classroom necessities such Sharpies, velcro dots, command hooks for hanging pocket charts and dry erase markers. These are materials I use every single day in our classroom.
Thank you again, so very much, for your continued generosity. Our school year is off to a great start thanks to you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and one other donor.Pre-K Loves Magazines!
Funded Apr 22, 2023I am so deeply thankful for your continued kindness and generosity in giving to my students. We absolutely love getting our Big World Magazines in the mail each month and we look forward to checking our classroom mailbox to see if they have arrived.
As a teacher, I am able to incorporate these magazines into whole and small group lessons. We use them as a great way to connect reading to science, social students and even math! Our favorite issue has been about nocturnal animals. We compared and contrasted our daily routines to nocturnal animals, sorted animals by day or night sleepers and use these magazines as a way to enhance alphabet knowledge.
The best part of this magazine subscription is that my students are able to take their own mini copy home and share it with their families. This is an awesome way to connect what we are doing in the classroom to home. Parents have shared that they are able to read them at home with their child and that their child is able to talk about the topic of the issue and share what they have learned. This is monumental in promoting family literacy.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and one other donor.Little Subscribers!
Funded Feb 6, 2022Even though we have to wait until next school year for our magazine subscription, we were able to get a sample pack for this Spring! We received two Clifford magazines, one about eggs and one about the weather. The weather edition was perfect for our unit, Nature All Around Us.
My students loved following along in their own copy and "reading" along with me. We talked about different kinds of clouds, and how the weather can affect what we wear each day. We also were able to get access to the online activities through Scholastic, which was a great way to integrate science, literacy and technology.
We are so looking forward to having our monthly subscription next school year and all the possibilities that come along with it!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
Cooking Up Learning With Pre-K!
Funded Dec 1, 2021We are so very thankful for your kindness and generosity! When the materials arrived, my students were so surprised! They were really interested in seeing what would come out of the boxes. I chose to curate our dramatic play center into a restaurant themed learning area, and was able to do a big reveal to surprise the students. They were so excited!
Thanks to you we have an awesome dramatic play center that is inviting and engaging to our young learners. The new kitchen set has made this learning center an all time favorite in our room, and has inspired so much imaginative play. I've watched our students pretend to be chefs, bakers, and care takers as they carefully craft delicious "meals" in our kitchen.
We are always so very grateful to our generous donors who continuously provide my students with unlimited opportunities to grow and learn.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
Pre-K is Back in Business!
Funded Sep 23, 2021We are so very thankful for your kindness and generosity in giving to our project! This project really allowed me to get ready for the school year and provided us with some basic, yet needed materials.
With the new magnetic clips and tape, I am able to hang classroom materials and resources easily, and move them around the classroom as needed. The magnetic clips come in handy for so many things! We use them to hang posters, class art, and group writing activities. I also was able to set up take home folders and portfolios for my students with the hanging pocket chart. My students are able to grab things that they need to take home, and add to their portfolios!
We also have made such great use of the ink for our printer. We are able to print colorful materials, student photos, and create learning games and centers with ease.
We are so thankful for your kindness, it has made a tremendous difference in our classroom and we could not do it without you.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and one other donor.New Materials for a New Normal
Funded May 6, 2021The look on my students' faces when discovering the new learning center complete with our beautiful new toys was priceless, and I don't think I will ever forget it. They were so excited! We were able to open another learning center with the dollhouse and accessories. Having another option for student's to play has been awesome, as we have to social distance due to COVID-19 school procedures. We also have been able to sanitize and clean our new materials easily and effectively.
My students were able to engage in meaningful play while playing with the Play-Mobil toys. They used their imaginations, expanded vocabulary and practiced social emotional skills such as sharing and taking turns. They set up the furniture, talked about what the dolls are doing, and had so much fun. It is so important to have engaging, high quality, and practical materials in our classroom. We are so thankful for your kindness.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 4 other donors.Home for the Holidays...and for Learning!
Funded Nov 23, 2020We are so incredibly thankful for your generosity during the holiday season! Because of your kindness, I was able to provide my students will holiday gift packages that they were so excited to receive! It was such a joy watching them open their gifts.
The materials that I was able to purchase were great hands on activities for them to do while we are at home in distance learning. They especially loved the sticker books! We love stickers in our classroom! We also were able to engage our kiddos in virtual letter writing lessons using the magna-doodle boards, a great resource for learning how to write!
We are so grateful for your kindness and generosity, it is so needed in these unprecedented times.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 14 other donors.Building Fine Motor Skills in Pre-K!
Funded Oct 27, 2019Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in giving to our classroom. We are so grateful to have friends who support the learning and development of young children. This project was particularly awesome for our classroom as it really allowed for more choices for children to play with toys that build fine motor skills. For young learners, building fine motor skills is a foundational tool in writing. We are able to strengthen their small muscles in their hands by giving them fun and hands on toys that engage those muscles.
The children were so excited when they found new materials in our manipulative center. One of the favorites of the materials was the Melissa and Doug wooden birthday cake set. They were able to use the Birthday cake set to build and add toppings and pretend to celebrate a birthday party. The velcro attachments really made the children have to use their fine motor skills to manipulate and move the toys the way the wanted. It is always fun to watch them use their imagination and make birthday cake or pizza just the way they like it!
I think one of the highlights for this project were the magnetic community helper puzzle dolls. We have just completed a unit on community helpers and having these magnetic dress up dolls gave children the opportunity to use not only fine motor skills to build them and dress them up, but to also enrich what they learned about different jobs and what people wear for different kinds of work.
It it always so rewarding when we are able to provide engaging learning tools to curious and excited young learners. Thank you so much for making that possible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and one other donor.Fill Pre-K With Color!
Funded Aug 31, 2019Again, Thank you so very much for your generosity and for giving to our classroom. Having a color printer in our room has most certainly been a game changer! We have been able to use our new materials to make awesome resources for our room! We have made a vocabulary wall, daily schedule and a Word Wall with words we add for each letter as we learn them. The children in my class LOVE having their picture added to the word wall under the letter their names starts with. They also love having their picture on their mailbox. This has also been extremely helpful to the children who are unable to recognize their name. They are able to find their picture and put their work in their mailbox to take home.
For the fall season we were able to take Fall photos of the leaves and the children exploring them. We were able to print them out and take them home. We also were able to print our an awesome name recognition activity where the children were able to spell their names out in pumpkins and put them in a wheelbarrow cut out. I am so excited to see what we will be able to do for the rest of the school year!
Most people are surprised in hearing how simple materials such as colored ink and a printer can make such a difference in a classroom for a teacher and her students. Teaching in a low socioeconomic school district does not always allow for you to have absolutely everything you need to make your classroom the best it can be. Which is why having kind and generous people make that possible is so amazing.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Jedlicka
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 4 other donors.