Past projects 1
A "Journey" to Rawhide Ranch
Funded Sep 24, 2018Our 3rd grade class community cannot thank you enough for this amazing experience! We had some rain when we got there, but as we often say in the class - the show must go on! If anything the rain added to the flavor of the trip as children met and took care of farm animals, cleaned their stalls, and rode horses. They enjoyed staying in cabins, and the last day they even got to do some rock climbing. They had a hard time agreeing on what the best part was, although many especially enjoyed horseback riding (each child was assigned their own horse to care for and ride!).
For me, the best part was watching them rise to the occasion, overcome their fears, and find find a new sense of confidence. Some children were unsure about the horses, but they all managed to mount a moving horse and to do gymnastics on it while they were still in motion! Others were worried about sleeping away from home, but found that with the support of their friends they not only survived but had a wonderful time. Finally, there were many children who were afraid of heights, yet all of them tried the rock climbing wall! For some it was an emotional experience, but they all reached ground again feeling proud of themselves and running back in line to try again.
Ever since Rawhide Ranch, many of my students have been carrying themselves with new confidence. Some families have shared that their children are feeling more empowered in taking on responsibility at home. For others, whenever they feel any doubt, they need only be reminded of the rock wall that they climbed. If they could climb that wall, they are capable of anything! In the classroom, I see a greater understanding for how the world works, and a new level of enthusiasm to conquer new challenges as they arise. They are amazing kids, and we've all known this for a while. But after this trip, they are getting to really see (for themselves) how wonderful and capable they truly are. Thank you for such a priceless gift.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Murphy