Past projects 1
Paris at Our School "The Louvre"
Funded Sep 26, 2018
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My main goal is to improve the decor of my room. As I mentioned my students have few nice places they can go that they feel comfortable and is nice, my rooms environment should suit that place . People pay a lot of money to go to Paris so I thought of creating a nice Parisian atmosphere at the school that is free to go to. I should cover up the brick walls with things other then tacky posters. Part of this ongoing project is to post some artwork that my students will do in Art club permanently in my room using Blick Studio Artists Boards. I have all ready started working with the art teacher on this. The Art will draw from geometric shapes and the math involved with it. We will use tessellation, fractals, proportion and so on. We will also draw from the amazing examples of artists such as M.C.Escher and the geometry related in his work. This is just part of an extensive multi step process that will help my students feel comfortable in making my room the first place they want to come to when they need help or simply need a place to forget about their troubles and activate their brains.