Past projects 4
Adapting to Our Circumstances to Teach in 2020!
Funded Nov 17, 2020Thank you for your donations for our individual classroom maps. The students were able to fully participate in our geography game and lessons due to it. Covid forced us to change many of the things we would normally do and we had to find the best way to adapt to those changes. Students would frequently ask to play the game that has been a school tradition for many years. For years to come, students will have the maps to use while learning geography.
The teachers pay teachers gift card was an amazing resrource! After a period of remote learning and with several new students coming to our school, students had a lot of diverse academic needs. The resources on teachers pay teachers helped me find lessons and activities that could best be geared to the various learning needs of my students.
Thank you for your generous donations that helped students in 2021 and will continue to help students going forward.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Mills
A Qball for Active Participation!
Funded Jun 27, 2019It has been a whirlwind beginning of the school year for us here at Hancock Elementary! New students, new schedules, and new opportunities! While we have not had a chance to use our wireless QBall microphone in a big assembly the students have been excited to try it out in our classroom.
As the project was begun over the summer, the students were excited to see a package coming to school for them. They were even more excited when they found out that it was a microphone that they could toss! This is a great tool to have in a class that has a lot of energy to burn! We have practiced tossing the ball to each other and speaking into the microphone.
We try to instill a sense of responsibility and leadership in our sixth grade students, as they are the oldest in our school. Last year students did a great job setting up and leading an assembly for the whole school, and the students this year are eager to do the same. The QBall will allow those students who have a difficult time projecting their voices to be heard.
Finally, the students in grades 4-6 will be starting a project called a Genius Hour in which they will guide their own learning about something they are passionate about. A big part of this is sharing what they learn in some way. I am positive the QBall will be an asset to students embarking on this new learning experience.
Thank you for your support of our small, amazing school!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Mills
We Want to Know and Show, Where in the World?
Funded Jan 30, 2019The items we received have helped the students so much! There was so much excitement shown when our boxes arrived. When we got the mouse pens the students HAD to use them right away. They had fun drawing on their computers. The map was quickly unpacked, the room rearranged, and the map hung on the wall. It is not only useful, but brightens up the room. Both of the items add value to the students' education here at our small rural school.
We started off our year trying out a new (to us) online portfolio. One of the tools is drawing. The students are a one to one chromebook school. It is very hard for students to draw with either a mouse, or the track pad. Already we were unable to use one of the tools on a program that the students enjoyed, and was a great way to keep track of their growth throughout the year. The mouse pens allow students to access the drawing tool more efficiently. They can now draw on pictures, add comments, and questions, and be more creative with their responses.
The other item we received was a wall map. It has been a longstanding tradition to play the "Geography Game" in sixth grade. The students keep track of their high scores, and everyone is eager to beat the school score. The map we had in our room was a pull down map....that no longer stayed down. Someone had to constantly hold it down in order to use it. This caused us to play the game rather infrequently, and the map was not utilized as much as it was probably needed due to the difficulties in using it. Since we have gotten our new, big, beautiful, and current map, we use it almost every day. The students are becoming much better at locating different countries throughout the world due to the increased practice.
Thank you so much for your support. The students and I appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Mills
Help Us Escape Into Learning!
Funded Oct 13, 2018Thank you for your generous donation towards our BreakOut Kit. We greatly appreciate it! The students were so excited when they saw the FedEx truck pull into school, knowing it was our kit! They couldn't wait to get started! They wanted me to drop what I was doing to set up a game for them!
Along with the physical kit, we also received access to the full platform. This has allowed us to use all of the digital games as well as the physical ones. We have used the digital ones as a fill in for fast finishers or as a classroom incentive. Having full access also allowed us to find a BreakOut to do as a review for a test. Students combined what they had just learned with their problem solving skills. Having the real kit made it much easier for me to plan, and the students to open the locks.
Halloween brought around another chance to use our kit. The students were engaged in a learning activity on a day that is already filled with much excitement. The game kept the students focused on learning and working cooperatively. The difference in the level of cooperation from one game to the next was evident. We will continue to use BreakOuts as a way to review previously learned materials as well as to increase cooperation and problem solving skills!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Mills