Past projects 1
Listen and Learn
Funded Aug 5, 2024
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My classroom is a size that fits 20 to 25 students comfortably. The walls have a bright yellow which I'm not very fond of but at least I got rid of the purple trimming over the summer. My classroom is equipped with a Smartboard which is hard to see certain times of the day because I have no blinds on my windows. This year I've decided to put butcher paper up to cover them. Because I have over the years had at least a third of my students below their reading level mostly because the lack of or gaps in their fundamentals of reading, I am trying a phonics/spelling word wall. It's supposed to be a go to place for reading and writing. I'm very proud of it and hope it will service the children well. I try to keep a stern but friendly environment. My students and I work together like a family. Everyone has a job to do, we cheer each other on, and I try to help them understand that fair isn't always equal.