Past projects 1
Wiggle While We Work
Funded Sep 6, 2018
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Students with autism have a variety of sensory needs that need to be met before they are able to access and process information being taught. The Gaiam Kids Balance Ball Chair, Dynair Balance Seat, Kore Patented Wobble Chair, and BeanBob Bean Bag Chair items will allow our students to "wiggle while they work." One chair will be placed in each center to allow students to "move around," while still sitting in their center area and focusing on the instruction being taught. I have asked for only one of each, until I know which seats will be most successful in helping our students learn! I have also asked for Washable Sensory Play Materials to be used if/when students need a tactile sensory break, as reinforcement when they complete their work and for those few and far in-between rainy days, when they students are stuck inside. I look forward to being able to increase the sensory opportunities in Room 11.