Past projects 13
A Little Spot for My Students!
Funded Dec 19, 2022Thank you so much for your donations to help build my little spot of emotions library for my supseparate special education classroom. The students have loved the social emotional lessons we do weekly and especially love being able to hold and look at all the plush little spots as they read the text.
The teaching guides have been imperative to making sure my lessons run smoothly and all elements are included. Social emotional learning is so important right now espectially with the youth I teach. We couldn't do it without you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
This classroom project was brought to life by Center for Disaster Philanthropy and one other donor.Supplies for Success
Funded Sep 14, 2022Thank you so much for supporting my students. By having the necessary materials such as Expo markers to practice number and letter writing and other necessities like construction paper and scissors to complete engaging projects the student's know they are cared for and have what they need.
We all use large screens to project our computer screens for things like read alouds and to play interactive learning games so the toggle cords make that possible.
The sight word bingo game has been especially fun to use with my youngest students. Any time a teacher can incorporate a game into learning the student engagement is always elevated.
These supplies are greatly appreciated!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
This classroom project was brought to life by, Inc. and 2 other donors.Welcome Back!
Funded Aug 22, 2021Thank you so much for supporting my students with back to school supplies and safety supplies! My students were so excited to have their own notebooks, folders, pencil pouches and headphones for their chromebooks. They love having laundry baskets to keep their backpacks and coats safely tucked away.
The wipes and face masks help us keep our classroom a safe place for learning. Students learn best when they feel safe and teachers teach best when they feel safe as well. With comfortable face masks and cleaning wipes our room stays safe, clean, and happy. Thank you again for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
Supplies for Stars
Funded May 4, 2021Thank you so much for supplying my students and I with supplies needed to finish out this pandemic school year. Without being able to share supplies, we certainly went through manipulatives and supplies at a much faster rate than usual. Given the ability of my classroom, we needed to be able to use hands on materials to continue learning effectively.
Thank you so much for the hands on materials, safety and cleaning supplies your donations provided. We were able to continue instructing and the children were able to be creative and demonstrate their skills using multiple modes. We were able to make the best of a challenge situation because of you.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 3 other donors.Safety First
Funded Mar 31, 2021Thank you for funding the desk shields for my classroom. My students are contained within the walls of my classroom all day. This means meals and mask breaks take place here. The desk shields provide a necessary level of protection and security for my students and staff and their families.
The shields also provide 1:1 learning opportunities since I can sit at a table with the shield between us to work with a student on their individual goals or decompress after a stressful situation. Thank you for allowing learning to continue in the safest way possible!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
So Fresh and So Clean
Funded Mar 26, 2021Teaching and learning has become a bit more challenging this year to say the least! Having necessary PPE and cleaning supplies is a must. When I know my students and staff are safe then I am able to focus on my teaching and my students are able to focus on their learning.
With the cleaning supplies you provided, I have been able to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment. This is priceless. My students go through masks quickly due to their sensory challenges and their various disabilities so having ample supply allows for us all to remain safe. Thank you for providing us with these cleaning and safety items so learning can continue!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
Different Is Beautiful
Funded Dec 1, 2020Thank you so much for funding this project that is so near and dear to my heart. By expanding my classroom library with books that show children and families from many different cultures and parts of the world my students feel represented in literature. This can only help grow their love of learning and literacy.
With these texts I am able to conduct read aloud lessons that peak my students' interest. Enjoying a text is directly correlated to individual reading progress. My students are motivated to not only participate in class discussions pre and post reading but also to discuss what they heard with their families. Reading is such a joy and nothing makes me happier than to see my students enjoying literature.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 2 other donors.Safe at School With Mrs. Sharr
Funded Oct 22, 2020Thank you so much for providing safety supplies for my students. Going from remote learning to in person is scary enough in itself, let alone the stress of making sure your students and staff remain safe. Thank you providing us with ample
cleaning and safety supplies so our return to school can be safe and positive. The face shields, cleaning wipes, and other individual supplies will allow for learning to proceed safely and ease the anxieties of my returning students who have not been in person for over a year. What you have provided is priceless and that is peace of mind.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and 4 other donors.Reading and Math Centers for Sharr's Stars!
Funded Oct 2, 2020Thank you so much for supporting my class! With the reading and math centers the students will be able to build their skills safely and independently during in person learning.
My students require a multi sensory learning approach to master skills due to their cognitive challenges so hands on materials are a must. However, with the Covid 19 guidelines, this becomes a huge challenge. Having these individual centers will support their mastery of basic reading skills and necessary math skills and allow effective learning to continue for all students! Thank you again for your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose 20th Anniversary Fund and 7 other donors.Help Sharr's Stars Soar!
Funded Aug 4, 2020Thank you so much for providing my students with the necessary supplies to succeed while learning from home. For most of my students remote learning is a challenge for many reasons but especially because they lack the necessary learning tools needed. I have always felt that every student has the right to learn and it has been my mission to even the playing field for my students in any way I can. The supplies you provided for my students help to even that playing field. Not only do they have school supplies to use at home but they have a place to store them that they can easily access each day. Their faces lit up when they picked up their bags. Thank you again so much for supporting us.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sharr